Listed below are the KS-DMR call statistics for the month of August 2019.
Note: This is a count of successfully routed calls with a duration of at least 2.0 seconds. It does not include calls made on TG8 (Repeater local).
Total calls originated within the KS-DMR system: 3516
Total calls originated via KS-DMR’s HBlink system:
Basehor: 56
El Dorado: 154
Hays West: 93
Hays East: 22
Humboldt, NE: 41
Hutchinson: 1085
Lawrence: 557
Lecompton: 71
Logan: 22
Manhattan: 189
McPherson: 106
Minneapolis: 488
Minneapolis VHF: 2
Paola: 6
Topeka: 466
Topeka VHF: 0
Simplex Hotspots: 6
Duplex Hotspots: 112
Total calls originated via KS-DMR’s DMRlink system:
K0PRO: 40
Total calls originated by System Fusion users: 38
grep 2019-08-* /media/justin/2013*/HBLogs/hblink* |grep "CALL END" |grep "(*SX_HS*)" |grep -v "Duration: 0." |grep -v "Duration: 1." |wc -l